Bowman, C.R., Charles, C.I., & Birr, S.M. Adult lifespan effects on functional specialization along the hippocampal long axis. Preprint
Charles, C.I. & Bowman, C.R. Age-related differences in associative inference are larger than differences in direct associative memory. Preprint:
Valdez, M.R., Obarski, S.A., & Bowman, C.R. Confirming a hunch? Using study choices to understand the mechanisms of memory-based inference. Preprint:
In press
Bowman, C.R. & Zeithamova, D. High coherence among training exemplars promotes broad generalization of face families. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. Preprint:
Bowman, C.R. & Zeithamova, D. (in press). Coherent category training enhances generalization in prototype-based categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition. link Bowman, C.R., Valdez, M.R., & Obarski, S.A. (2023). Learning new categories in older age: a review of theoretical perspectives and empirical findings. Psychology and Aging, 38(3), 174-187. link
Bowman, C.R., Iwashita, T., & Zeithamova, D. (2022). The effects of age on prototype- and exemplar-based categorization. Psychology and Aging, 37(7), 800-815. link
Bowman, C.R., Ashby, S.R., & Zeithamova, D. (2022). Age effects on category learning, categorical perception, and generalization. Memory, 30(3), 230-247. link
Chamberlain, J.D., Bowman, C.R., & Dennis, N.A. (2022). Age-related differences in encoding-retrieval similarity and their relationship to false memory. Neurobiology of Aging, 113, 15-27.
Bowman, C.R., de Araujo Sanchez, M.A., Hou, W., Rubin, S., & Zeithamova, D. (2021). Generalization and false memory in an acquired equivalence paradigm: the influence of physical resemblance across related episodes, Frontiers in Psychology, 21, 1-19. link
Bowman, C.R. & Zeithamova, D. (2020) Training set coherence and set size effects on concept generalization and recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 46(8), 1442-1464. link
Ashby, S.A., Bowman, C.R., & Zeithamova, D. (2020). Perceived similarity ratings predict generalization success after traditional category learning and a new paired-associate learning task. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 27, 791-800. link
Zeithamova, D. & Bowman, C.R. (2020). Generalization and the hippocampus: More than one story? Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 175. link
Bowman, C.R., Iwashita, T., & Zeithamova, D. (2020). Tracking prototype and exemplar representations across learning.
Frank, L.E.*, Bowman, C.R.*, & Zeithamova, D. (2019). Differential connectivity along the long axis of the hippocampus aligns with differential role in memory specificity and generalization. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. link *Equal contributions
Bowman, C.R., Chamberlain, J.C., & Dennis, N.A. (2019). Sensory representations supporting memory specificity: Age effects on behavioral and neural discriminability. Journal of Neuroscience. link
Bowman, C.R. & Zeithamova, D. (2018). Abstract memory representations in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus support concept generalization. Journal of Neuroscience. link
Huhn, J.M., III, Bowman, C.R., & Dennis, N.A. (2018). Repeated study of items with and without repeated context: aging effects on memory discriminability. Memory. link
Bowman, C.R.*, Sine, S.L.*, & Dennis, N.A. (2017). Modulation of target recollection and recollection rejection networks due to retrieval facilitation and interference. Learning & Memory. link
Geiger, N.*, Bowman, C.R.*, Clothier, T., Nelson, A.J., & Adams, R.B., Jr. (2017). Witnessing harm to the environment stimulates neural activation in networks associated with empathic responses. Social Justice Research. link *Equal contributions
Bowman, C.R. & Dennis, N.A. (2016). The neural basis of recollection rejection: increases in hippocampal-prefrontal connectivity in the absence of a shared recall-to-reject and target recollection network. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. link
Bowman, C.R. & Dennis, N.A. (2015). Age differences in the neural correlates of novelty processing: The effects of item-relatedness. Brain Research. link
Bowman, C.R. & Dennis, N.A. (2015). The neural correlates of correctly rejecting lures during memory retrieval: The role of item-relatedness. link
Dennis, N.A., Bowman, C.R., & Turney, I.C. (2015). Functional neuroimaging of false memory. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Memory. Addis, D.R., Barense, M., & Duarte, A. (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell. link
Dennis, N.A., Bowman, C.R., & Peterson, K.M. (2014). Neural correlates mediating false recollection in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging. link
Liben, L.S. & Bowman, C.R. (2013). The development of memory from a constructivist perspective. Handbook on the Development of Children's Memory. Bauer, P. & Fivush, R. (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell. link
Dennis, N.A., Bowman, C.R., & Vandekar, S.N. (2012). True and phantom recollection: an fMRI investigation of similar and distinct neural correlates and connectivity. Neuroimage. link